Steel Sword (Skyrim): ID, Spawn Commands, Value, Weight & Damage

Binh Tran
Steel Sword has the 2nd fastest attack speed after daggers and only deals normal damage. You can craft Steel Sword through Steel Smithing skill. Its appearance is also unremarkable, the hilt is made of wood, and the base of the sword is carved with exquisite patterns. Many enemies also use this weapon, so it's easy to get in the early game. Just collect them as a trophy, or use the Steel Sword ID below for a quick solution.

General Info:

  • Class: One-Handed, Sword
  • Upgrade Material: Steel Ingot
  • Perk: Steel Smithing

Steel Sword: Editor Name & Spawn id

What is the Editor Name of the Steel Sword?


Steel Sword ID Code:


Steel Sword: Spawn Commands

Spawn Command to get the Steel Sword into the game:

Open the console and enter [player.AddItem] then the [Base ID] and then the [Amount]. With the example below, you will add one Steel Sword.

player.AddItem 000557F5 1

Spawn Command to place the Steel Sword in front of your character:

Open the console and enter [player.AddItem] then the [Base ID] and then the [Amount]. The example below places one Steel Sword in front of your character.

player.PlaceAtMe 000557F5 1

Steel Sword: Class, Weight, Value & Damage

What does the Steel Sword weigh?

10 kilograms

How much damage does the Steel Sword do?

8 Health Points

What is the base value of the Steel Sword?


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