Elven Helmet of Eminent Destruction: ID, Spawn Commands Value, Weight & Damage

Here you will find all the ID and all relevant info about the elven helmet of eminent destruction

Elven Helmet of Eminent Destruction: Editor Name & Spawn id

What is the Editor Name of the Elven Helmet of Eminent Destruction?


Elven Helmet of Eminent Destruction ID Code:


Elven Helmet of Eminent Destruction: Spawn Commands

Spawn Command to get the Elven Helmet of Eminent Destruction into the game:

Open the console and enter [player.AddItem] then the [Base ID] and then the [Amount]. With the example below, you will add one Elven Helmet of Eminent Destruction.

player.AddItem 000BE051 1

Spawn Command to place the Elven Helmet of Eminent Destruction in front of your character:

Open the console and enter [player.AddItem] then the [Base ID] and then the [Amount]. The example below places one Elven Helmet of Eminent Destruction in front of your character.

player.PlaceAtMe 000BE051 1

Elven Helmet of Eminent Destruction: Class, Weight, Value & Damage

What does the Elven Helmet of Eminent Destruction weigh?

1 kg

What is the base value of the Elven Helmet of Eminent Destruction?


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