Traditional Japanese Compound Pagoda
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The Japanese tea house is a great example of Asian style house in Minecraft since it's quite easy to build, and the resources require are not so hard to get. Without further it does, let's take a look at the materials you will need!
First, you need to create follow the image below. Lime concrete for placing oak leaves, pink concrete for placing granite, blue for placing stripped dark oak logs, yellow for spruce slabs, and red for bricks.
Then fill the rest follow the pattern and use spruce planks to build the floor like this. The floor will have the same height as the granite blocks. The wood beam is 6 blocks high.
Now use all of your Loom blocks to place them sideway at the bottom row of the house. Remember to leave two front sides empty like this.
You need to connect the wood beam using stripped dark oak logs again. Here's the final result.
Go to the back, use brick block, brick slabs, and brick stairs to create the chimney. The bottom structure contains 4 blocks high, the thin chimney in the middle is 5 blocks high, and the curvy on top is 2 blocks high.
When you are done building the chimney, place a campfire on top of the brick block and surround it with 4 spruce trapdoors. Then cover the top with a smooth stone slab.
Go back down to the front side, and use spruce and jungle trapdoors to create a thin wall. This is where the Asian effect of the build comes in.
Fill all 1x2 gaps on the wall with jungle trapdoors.
And build the backdoor using one spruce door and a jungle trapdoor on top like this.
Finally, use oak fence gates and place them at the bottom of the front beam. You're done with the base of the Asian tea house!
Now let's build the roof - the soul of any Asian building! Let's mark the center of each wall and place an oak slab there. Then place oak stairs facing out, starting from the slab. Finally, put oak slabs on each corner.
Wrap the oak trim above with stone brick slabs, remember to raise the block in the corner up.
You will have 2 rectangles and 2 square shapes on the second floor. Use spruce slabs to fill them up. Note that the middle block of every shape is being raised up.
Now let's build the second floor's wall. Use white terracotta and jungle trapdoor and follow this shape on both sides.
Use stone brick slabs, stone brick blocks, and stairs to build the outer trim of the roof. The first row contains 1 stone brick slab and 2 stone bricks, then continue upwards with only stone brick stairs. In the middle, place another stair here but upside down. Repeat for the other side.
Connect two roof trim with a line of stone bricks slab, block, and stairs like this. Note the two stairs on both sides. That curvy line makes a difference!
Let's build the main roof! Take your spruce slabs and wrap them around like this. Then put some spruce stairs near the wall.
And make your way up to the top by building another 4 layers up. The first layer is spruce slabs and the other is spruce stairs. Repeat for another side.
Let's go to the left side, use two spruce signs, a spruce fence, and a lantern to decorate this wall.
Use the same technique for the backside. You will need 4 spruce signs for this wall.
And the right side of the Asian house too!
Back to the front side, use another lantern, fence, and two spruce signs for the wall to the right. Then place the barrel in the left corner and put a lantern on top. Finally, hang 4 lanterns on each roof corner.
Remember the higher blocks when you build the roof? Go inside the house and place 4 more lanterns on the ceiling.
Turn around, and use smooth stone slabs to connect two wood beams like this. The slabs are placed on the top part of the third stripped wood.
Then use spruce stairs and planks on the top and dark oak stairs on the floor to create a separate room. That's where you can produce the tea!
Now let's prepare the seats for our guests! Use red nether brick slabs and place them following the pattern below. Place another spruce trapdoor to the right for the hanging table.
Simply create a welcome mattress by placing 3 light gray wool carpets in the front.
Go through the back door and decorate your brewing area. The fireplace can be built by placing 3 campfires under the ground, then placing a furnace, smoker, and blast furnace on top. Then decorate the place with spruce trapdoors, lantern, cauldron, and barrels.
Last but not least, some greenery for the house is needed! Use flower pots, dead bushes, and some oak leaves for this. And voila, congratulation on your Asian tea house!
Overall, we have just viewed some Asian Style House Minecraft. We hope you have chosen some kinds of these wonderful houses to build by yourself! Last but not least, make sure to check these Minecraft spruce wood house ideas for more inspiration!