There are endless possibilities when it comes to building houses in Minecraft. Minecraft always has unlimited combinations for you to get your own house.
There are multiple selections such as suburban houses, rustic houses, witch houses… And what about Minecraft butcher houses? One of the most interesting selections so far. For your consideration, we are gonna give you our top 9 Minecraft butcher house ideas!
A Butcher house is often a type of house accommodated by farmers. This design uses common resources like every other type of house, but it has extraordinary traits on its own. You can expect some blocks like smoker, furnaces, barrel, smithing table, cartography table, fletching table, cauldron, lectern, grindstone, blast furnace, and more!
Not only for decoration or storing purposes, but you can also use the butcher house to farm food items from passive mobs easier. Some of them are stews, beef, mutton, Porkchop, and more! Later on, you can trade the meat with the butcher for emeralds. How cool is that!
Top 9 Minecraft Butcher House Ideas
Survival Bucher Mansion
This is one of the best Minecraft butcher designs so far. The design emerges distinguishingly with its facility compound.
The foundation is completely made of oak material as well as the walls. Spruce is used for building pillars. The A-frame roof has a super spacious interior, so it’s good for setting anything up.
There are a lot of things to decorate outside. The cattle farm is necessary to provide trading stuff. You can put on oak leaves around the wall to bring the grassy look. Some lanterns or torches are fair to allow light at night. In addition, an outside pond will be excellent to attract Minecraft villagers.
It’s always good to kick off the list with a simple idea. There’s nothing too much to talk about this design but it should be considered if you are new to Minecraft.
The design is completely made of wood materials. We need oak logs, stripped oak wood, oak planks, oak stairs, and spruce as well to finish the house. The top of the house, however, includes a chimney made out of stone and a spruce trap door. The best part of the exterior is a small but cute farm with animals in it. In addition, let’s add some lanterns to ensure the light.
Farmers don’t need to have a massive house because they often spend most of their time working outside. So their house may be small but cozy.
The body of the house is a combination of wood and metal materials. While half of the house - the bigger part as you see in the thumbnail - is made of oak and spruce block, the rest is created of stone block and plays a role as a storage area.
The roof is completely built of wood, with oak stairs bringing a brighter look and spruce stairs bordering the outside. The chimney is also the go-to part of the butcher house, so don’t forget to put it on.
For the exterior decoration, simply place some barrels on the left side and a bunch of flowers on the other side.
This one is perfect if you’re looking for a Middle Ages theme.
The design we showcase here is a 3-floor style. The first floor is made of cobblestone and stone bricks, which bring a sturdy and strong look. The second floor is a mixture of stripped oak logs and spruce blocks while the last floor combines spruce material and stone bricks. Glass panes are essential to add to every floor to ensure visibility. Also, the chimney is placed on the second floor instead of the top floor, which is really reasonable.
This butcher house aka butcher shop is also a place where villagers or farmers come to trade stuff. So a canopy made of yellow and white wool is necessary and helpful to bring an eye-catching look. Finally, a stone staircase placed beside the house is the last part of this idea.
Although the name is quite ordinary, it’s sufficient to remind you of the butcher house theme.
Located inside the forest, the house blends with nature through its vintage and mysterious design. The body is made out of stone and andesite, while oak planks are used to build pillars. Stripped oak logs are required to connect all pillars and the roof.
The roof - which consists of deepslate tile slabs and deepslate tile stairs, surrounded by spruce logs - acts as an impressive part of the house. The chimneys are built 4 times, instead of 1, making the attractiveness of this idea.
This is an upgraded version of a Medieval butcher house in case you need more space. This design features a mixture of wood and metal material that’s quite easy to create.
The foundation is made of dark oak wood, alternated with cobblestone. The walls consist of dark oak logs, oak planks, and stones as well. The second floor is built similarly to the first one.
You can leave some glass panes on all sides to be aware of anything sneaking up on you. The outside decoration also features an animal shelter which is a sign of a popular butcher’s shop.
Although the design itself is a small-sized and can only store a few items, it’s good to give it a try.
We need stone bricks to make the walls and spruce to construct the whole roof - the structure which is in A-shape and contains a small chimney. The inside is free to design, while the outside showcases a small area yard for viewing and chilling as well. Lanterns or torches are needed for visibility at night and also flowers. chests are used for decoration purposes.
Next up is one of the minimal butcher village houses. The idea is super easy and time-saving to build as you can look at its illustration. Moreover, the block count is insanely low so you build this on your first day in Minecraft!
There are two separate parts of the design, the area for living animals that requires a wood-material fence to protect them against enemies.
The horse's body is made out of cobblestone with only a door in the front to open/close and nothing else. The roof with its gambrel style is quite easy to make by collecting oak planks and oak stairs.
This design can act as a starter survival house if you are new to Minecraft or it can be a great option if you do not have much time building your current survival base.
We are going to give you a colorful, fantastic idea if you’re bored of these tedious designs above and look for serious Minecraft blueprints.
The house showcases a superb, exceptional look thanks to its color. Note that the color comes from texture packs, so be aware of installing it before.
The whole house is made of cobblestone, with spruce wood pillars connecting together. The entrance is on the left and comes with a porch roof. The porch roof is made by using campfires, so be careful or it’ll burn down your build. The roof is A-frame style, combining both wood and metal materials.
The top floor is detailed with lots of storage chests, while the outside is filled with flowers and hanging lanterns. In addition, you can leave ut a farm of cattle to make a literal butcher design.
Here are our picks of 9 good-looking Minecraft butcher house ideas. There are many ways to build a butcher house and our suggestion is just a fraction. We hope these tutorials will help you achieve your own build!