Dome Greenhouse
Remember to watch out for hostile mobs such as creepers since they can easily blend in with the build. Placing a torch may prevent them from spawning around the dome.
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Looking for some great Minecraft dome house ideas? Whether it's a fully circular dome or just a semi-modern dome - we got you covered with the list of beautiful dome houses (From Youtube, Reddit, and Pinterest) and a step-by-step tutorial to building a lovely dome for yourself!
Although the phase dome in Minecraft is not so popular despite the fact this is a creative game, there are way many Minecraft dome house ideas out there that you can use to build your dream base. And this list covers the best Minecraft dome bases so you can have a quick look and take inspiration for your next building project!
In this guide, we will show you how to build a beehouse in a dome shape. So let's get those materials ready and dive straight into it!
Start things off by making the circle layout on the ground. First, build the line of 4 blocks of stained white glass, then connect it with the stripped spruce log and continue to follow the pattern to create a full circle. The front part of the build is the side with 4 spruce logs.
Raise the rest of the dome up by 3 blocks using the same material.
Next is the second layer of the dome. Remember to use any temporary blocks like dirt to place the inner layer easily. You should have something like this with a height of 2 blocks. And notice that we use more stripped spruce logs for the second layer.
Continue shrinking the size of the dome for one more block. This layer contains 6 stripped spruce logs and the rest is stained white glass.
It's time to fill the dome in on all sides and place 4 more stripped spruce logs on each corner.
Lastly, continue to go in and up one more block for the final layer. This layer should contain 10 stripped spruce logs and the rest will be white stained glass.
To complete the outer dome, use spruce slabs and place them on every exposed spruce log. You should have a completed dome like this.
Let's start building the dome's interior by placing two spruce doors in the front. Remember that the front is the side with more spruce logs.
Then wrap the door up by placing 4 spruce stairs in the circle shape. And place three more spruce trapdoors to cover it up.
Now, this step requires you to take advantage of your creativity! Let's start placing leaves and flowers randomly around your dome to create an overgrown and natural vibe. Then place some pathway, podzol, coarse dirt, spruce fence, and lantern to create a pathway to the dome. Remember to save some leaves and flowers for later.
Open the door, now you need to build the real interior. Finish off the pathway here by placing the remaining podzol, pathway, and coarse dirt blocks.
In one corner, place a honey block and wrap it up with 4 spruce trapdoors. Then place some barrel next to it to make it look like someone actually harvest the honey from the bees.
Add another honey cargo on another side for extra honey.
Then turn around, choose a good spot and start digging down one block, place the campfire there. Next, place a temporary block on top of the campfire and wrap it up with 4 spruce trapdoors. Then place the beehive on top of it. Repeat until you use all of your beehives.
Just like the roof, use spruce slabs to cover all exposed spruce logs inside of the dome.
Finally, remember the saved leaves and flowers in the early step? Use them to further decorate the inside of your dome. You will have a lovely and cozy bee house farm inside of the dome after this step!
Now you know how to build a great Minecraft dome house with different styles and themes. In case you want to move your dome house underground, check those awesome Minecraft underground house ideas for more innovation!