Top 10 Minecraft Windmill House Ideas For Your Farm


Minecraft is heaven for gamers who love building, creating, and adventuring. Besides collecting stuff, and fighting against hostile mobs, spending time building houses is one of the most common activities in Minecraft. There are a lot of house designs in Minecraft, but your choice is mostly based on your perspective and creation. And here we are to give you some awesome Minecraft windmill house ideas in case you get struggled with your designs.

Minecraft Windmill House

The materials and layouts are free to choose from, this list below will indicate some variations of windmills. Also, note that some tutorials require mods and a shader pack (Sildurs, Complementary, or BSL shaders) to make buildings look more realistic. Without waiting any longer, let us show you what we got!

Top 10 Good-looking Minecraft Windmill House Designs

One Chunk Windmill

Do you want to be creative and build multiple small chunks of different projects? Why not add this wonderful one-chunk windmill to your list? It's small, compact, and stunning! Perfect for space management and texture-wise contrasts! It will surely add a story to your survival world. So try it out now and be amazed at how gorgeous it feels. Watch Tutorial
More Details: One Chunk Windmill

Working Mountain Windmill

The search is over with this fully functional and working mountain-top windmill! Perfect for the snowy biomes! It adds depth and contrasts to your jade-white landscape. It features a semi-spacious room, suitable as a starter base on top of the mountains. Check it out now! Watch Tutorial

Windmill With A Bakery

Were you searching for the next calm, relaxed build to add to your Minecraft survival world? How about this windmill with an included bakery room? It's spacious that's perfect for interior designs and decoration, with unlimited possibilities for customization. You can even get ideas on how to make different themes by clicking the video link below. Check it out now Watch Tutorial

Perfect Windmill House

Are you searching for a way of utilizing your new mangrove logs? This unique design uses that new mangrove wood to create a stunning windmill house design! Creating a perfect balance between form and function. The bold red accents that add a pop of color to the natural wood tones standouts! The house has plenty of room inside for furniture and decorations. Try this out now, and I'm sure you can quickly turn this windmill house into a comfortable and stylish home. Watch Tutorial

Mini Windmill Design

Do you find small builds cute? Well, this next project is for you! A mini windmill that is perfect for small builds. Built mainly with stipped spruce logs and wool. It's an ideal starter house in a Minecraft survival world while capturing the wind with your mini windmill! It has a basic cobblestone design and trapdoor placements to add depth and contrast. Even though it's small, it gets the job done! Check it out now. Watch Tutorial
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Multiple Windmill Design

Do you perhaps want a windmill design that's both elegant and easy to replicate? This windmill design is perfect for you! Made with simple crafts like stone bricks, spruce slabs, and wool blocks. The interior of this windmill is designed to be a comfortable home. With plenty of space for chests and crafting tables. So are you up to the task and ready to replicate this simple yet elegant windmill? Watch Tutorial

Large Minecraft Windmill

Are you looking to add some unique windmills to your Minecraft world? Then this build is perfect for you! This one-of-a-kind windmill, built with a mix of wood and stones, will stand out from the surrounding farm of your world. The exterior features a detailed edge while enclosing the spacious interior with lush designs! Whether you're a veteran or just starting, adding this build into your world is necessary. Watch Tutorial

Rustic Working Windmill

Were you searching for something fun? Here's a brand new windmill design with a rustic-styled building! It looks magnificent, and the vanes rotate perfectly like an actual windmill! This build is a perfect addition to your farm because why not? Check this craft out and see for yourself how amazing it is. Watch Tutorial

Working Windmill Design

Are you a red stone enthusiast who wants everything to be fancy and automated? Then this windmill is perfect for you because not only does it have a unique palette, but it's also functional! The vanes seemed to rotate with careful engineering with the red stone blocks! Check it out, and be ready to be in awe as you try this build! Watch Tutorial

Wide Vanes Windmill

Do you want an attention-grabbing windmill that will power up your farm? You will not only capture the attention of anyone that comes across this windmill, but you will also capture wind with its wide vanes! Made with wool, stones, and oak logs. Perfect for those who want to be creative while lacking rarer materials. Test this build-out. You'll love it. Watch Tutorial
More Details: Wide Vanes Windmill

Fantasy Minecraft Windmill Farmhouse

Although this design and #8 design share a similar structure, it has some particular distinctions. First, the body of the house is made of birch planks instead of oak or spruce, which bring a shining and specific look. The chimney made of bricks is a really good highlight. And what about the roof?

Smooth red sandstone plays a role to create an outstanding exterior design. For the body of the windmill, we need dark oak along with spruce trapdoors and also smooth red sandstone to mix them together. A group of lanterns on top of the roof might be a wise choice of decoration. The turbine is built similarly with a birch fence and spruce trapdoor. This idea will be a masterpiece if you place it in the center of a flower garden or crops, which makes the view quite shimmer.

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Small Minecraft Windmill House

This is a mini version of #8, everything looks as same as #8 but smaller and simpler. The accommodation body is made of oak, linked by andesite, which makes the house sturdier and brighter. On the top of the house, spruce and oak are used to build the roof.

The turbine of the windmill is made of spruce wood also, but it’s quite tiny and is used for decoration purposes instead of spinning purposes. In addition, adding a chimney is a good point of the outside’s beauty. It’s easy yet impressive, right?

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Modern Minecraft Windmill

This is one of the biggest, most modern, and most complicated windmill builds on the list so far. It costs you hours to build, but everything has its price. What is the most suitable kind of structure to place next to your farm crops? That’s definitely a large windmill. And this idea meets that criteria. Cobblestone is a material of the floor located on the vast layout. Next, we need more oak trapdoors, and stones to make a grindstone to grind the grain, which is located at the center of the windmill.

Then we build the body of the windmill with stone brick blocks, spruce trapdoors, and spruce slabs, and keep repeating the design of the remaining side. The second-floor wall still remains the same, but it has a little bit different -  spruce fences as the pattern. For the roof, we tend to use warped planks – a material that comes with amazing color - that makes a good point for your design. The turbine aka blades is the last part of this tutorial. When finished, it’s showcase time!

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Minecraft Rustic Windmill

Are you looking for a rustic, vintage Minecraft design? Are you going to create your own accommodation but still have no idea? Do you feel weary of some bored windmill samples? If so, this is a design not to be missed. The basic distinction of this design compared to others is its main material - it’s completely made of oak and spruce woods instead of any metal material, except the turbine.

That’s why we choose “rustic” as an adjective to describe it. The roof of the windmill is built with an X-shape, this idea makes your blueprint have a balanced perspective at every corner. Oak leaves and lanterns are necessary to bring the historic look to your windmill.

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Blackstone Minecraft Windmill

It’s hard to tell whether this design is different from those above. The structure is quite similar, but yes it’s still distinct. As you may notice, the foundation with an octagon layout is built first, with a mixture of stone, and keep going around the shape. Then we build the body of the windmill with Blackstone gathered around, which causes the building mysteriously.

Besides, remember to knock out some windows and install a railing to ensure safety. The floor is filled with spruce slabs. Doing repetitively for the second and third levels of the windmill. The dome is made of quartz blocks, then comes up with a turbine attached by spruce logs. The dimension is up to you, but you should consider making it as big as the windmill.

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Stylish Minecraft Windmill

 Easy - that’s what we describe as a blueprint that could go really well in the medieval world. This structure is not big or high, but it may show beauty based on how you design it. Walls made of cobblestone will be a good choice, also add some windows so you can look through, and oak trapdoors in case you want to open or close.

The roof is started with a diamond shape, filled with another diamond, and other stairs to fulfill the space. Then moving on the turbine, which has the same material and same way to build.

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Fantasy Minecraft Flying Windmill

This might be the most creative idea so far. Just imagine how wonderful it is when having a floating windmill around a village, that you can easily observe during your dangerous adventures. The bottom of the windmill is made of cobblestone, covered by spruce fences and deepslate brick walls.

Windmill’s body is a mixture of wood material, and its design is way more like a mini castle, while lanterns and oak leaves are decorative. For the roof, we elaborate mostly by spruce logs and trapdoors, followed by 2 blocks of stone. And turbine, as always, is the last step. We highly recommend you to try this tutorial because of its super impressive way of elaboration.

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Basic Minecraft Windmill Tower

Windmill may be easy to illustrate but it’s a little bit harder to build practically, so this first idea will show you the basic design. First of all, let’s choose an appropriate location to place your windmill, in the middle of the forest or on the grassland are the most common suggestions. Spruce logs and cobblestones are recommended to build the foundation, and the body of the windmill is installed with oak logs, spruce logs, and concrete.

The height of the windmill is up to you. The taller the windmill, the more amazing the view you’ll see. When you meet the height you want, then pay attention to the most important part of the windmill - its blades. Spruce fence plays a role as a case of the blade, and concrete as the main material (or wool) made your blade look sturdy. After finished, let’s take a rest and enjoy your accomplishment.

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Simple Minecraft Medieval Windmill

This windmill version is a little bit smaller, and also shorter. That’s why it’s simpler. On a 3x3 layout, it’s tiny yet detailed. Birch trapdoors are used for the foundation, and birch planks and spruce planks are part of the walls. We highly recommend using stripped birch logs to build the body instead of oak or spruce logs, in order to brighten your windmill.

To be more realistic, add some glass panels at the corners of the building so that you can stay inside but still have a good look outside. Blades are built similarly to #10, but it’s made of wood materials instead of concrete. On the inside, feel free to fulfill the space with a stair run from the bottom to the top, some tables or chests…This windmill tutorial is super easy to follow even when you’re a beginner.

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Minecraft Windmill Farmhouse

This is an overgrown and natural-style Minecraft windmill farmhouse that you should consider for your next project in Minecraft. It’s a combination style of windmill and house, so let's start by building the windmill first. Windmill’s foundation is made of andesite, the roof is made of oak, spruce material, and barrels. Get creative with the roof by adding some lights, or other decorations around. Oak leaves are a good choice.

The house structure is built in the same layout as the windmill, so the overall structure looks bonded. Stripped oak logs and stripped spruce logs are the primary material of the house’s body. The roof is connected by lots of spruce woods. Keep going with the windmill blades, which are really big but easy to build. The last step of this tutorial is adding some beauty outside your farmhouse. Once again, oak leaves and hung pot plants are super impressive.

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As the saying goes: To be good at something takes a little bit of time. Designing in Minecraft is not an exception, whether when it comes to Minecraft windmills or others. You need to practice a lot to gain your ideal blueprint. We hope this top 10 list of Minecraft windmill house designs will speed up your experience!

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